Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Dad is Sleeping

Where do I begin? I guess I will start with the fact that it has not been a good health week around here. A-Corn has been sick with pneumonia (you would never tell from looking at her.) She is on the mend, but I don't have any funny stories about her other than she threw up all over her bed for us last night and that she made me this sign for yesterday's dental festivities.

Remember this my root canal issue? Well, I put it off and the pain went away. Then, some pain came back a few weeks ago, and I thought that my head was going to explode, and I went to a doctor and he said that it was allergies sinus issues, but most of all, dental issues. So I found a new dentist with clean hair. (I always check out a new dentists hair, because in the words of the late great George Carlin, "NEVER TRUST A DENTIST WITH BLOOD IN HIS HAIR!"

He told me that I don't need a root canal, but the 2 shattered teeth had to be crowned. So I explained to the dentist that I don't like dentists (nothing personal), and he understood. Something about the smell of tooth smoke just doesn't agree with me. He assured me that the medicine that he would give me would take care of all my fears. So we set up the appointment for the crowns, and he was RIGHT. WAAAY RIGHT.

3 little blue pills. I don't know what they were, and I frankly don't care. All that I know is that I didn't smell any smoking teeth. One minute I sit down and the next minute I'm being wheel-chaired to the car. Wow. Then there was the double vision. Crystal clear double vision. Not college-junior-year-toga-party double vision. Crystal clear. Two trucks coming right at us. Evil.

When we got home, I fell up the stairs (yes, up) for a nice little slumber.

And I thank A-corn for the do not disturb sign, like I really needed it!
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