Friday, July 30, 2010


What a thing of beauty. Meat carefully laid out. Lettuce neatly piled high. Very nicely done. The problem is, this is a photo of what they advertise.

And this is what you get.

Half sandwich, half lunch meat sushi? The absolute skill that it took to make this beauty amazes me. The care that was poured into it. A real labor of love. It is amazing that it only took seconds to create.

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Old Contrivance Update

It looks like the tomato trellises are working perfectly (knock on wood). Usually, by this time in the season, I spend a few minutes each day trying to jam the vines back into the cages. Just to do a fair test, I used one of my cages from last year on one plant. So far, the "new-old contrivances" are much less work. I think it is time to build more, and some different sizes for the peppers. I also want to build one that will serve as an onion and garlic drying rack.

I'll never use these again.

Last night's harvest. I gave the zucchini and cucumbers to TJ and Art. I pickled the pepperoncini, and ate the greens, green beans, tomatoes, and squash blossoms.

I love our garden.

Friday, July 16, 2010

Road Trip

America whizzes by.

Last Saturday, we packed up the van and headed for the Adirondacks. As usual, the trek was filled with all of the usual. There were many hours of boredom, seconds of panic and fright, and a few minuets spent having a conversation with a representative of the New York State Police.

Sorry for the blurry shot. It is very difficult to take clear photos at such high rates of speed.

Ironically, moments before it happened.

See the man in the mirror?

I'm not sure how, but she got off with a warning. I swear it was the fact that she was wearing a short skirt and she has great legs. Yes, I do have a photo of them, and NO, I will not share it here. But I can imagine that if this was the view that Officer Friendly would have seen, we would have been in BIG trouble.

These legs get tickets.

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