Friday, April 23, 2010

Dos Breckies

I went to lunch with a couple of friends on Thursday at one of my favorite places, BBI Cafe. It is not a chain restaurant and everything that they make is yummy.

Mike likes breakfast for lunch, so he had 2. 4 eggs, 6 bacon, 4 toast, 1 Coke. "Dos Breckies!"

Sunday, April 18, 2010

New Old Contrivances

Here goes a shot at an old new idea. I am completely unhappy with every tomato cage that I have ever tried. Last winter I checked out a book from the library, "Homemade Contrivances and How to Make Them."

Evidently in 1850's this is how they made tomato trellises. I made one today, I'll probably make 3 or 4 different design changes and make a few more. Maybe I'll make a smaller version for the peppers.

Stay tuned.
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